Create a Positive Space...

Some people say that the state of a person's living space reflects their state of mind.
I never imagined this could be true until during a severe bout of depression, I realised that what surrounded me was a scene of devastation.
I have suffered from OCD in the past.
When a lot of things in my life became out of control and chaotic, I would obsessively order and line up things to try and regain a sense of order and control. If I didn't perform these rituals I would become anxious that awful things were going to happen.
I then became severely depressed and I soon ended up in a pit of despair, with mess and scattered fragments of my life everywhere. My anxiety levels were everywhere as well as I worried about every item that was our of place yet didn't have the energy to perform my familiar rituals.
I now have a more healthy relationship with mess and tidying.
I can create a bit of mess without getting too itchy about it and can enjoy getting around to tidying it. If I leave some thing out of place in my room, I don't worry about anything bad happening as a consequence. The worst that can happen is I trip over it in the night on the way to the toilet!
I have learnt through all this though that your immediate environment and surrounding can affect your mood and mindset. I'm not saying that if you transform your living space into an oasis of positivity, you will automatically gain a positive mindset.
It could however have a significant influence.
If you want to develop a more positive mindset, from experience, it helps to surround yourself with things that have a positive influence on you.
You don't have to have the most thoughtfully decorated bedroom to create a positive space or have everything exactly how you want it.
My bedroom is absolutely hideous!
I only moved in a few months ago, haven't decorated my room yet and it is a 70s relic, complete with a mustard yellow and orange daisy carpet, a crack in the wall, tatty wallpaper and thick, depressing curtains. However, I have managed to do a few things to make my room a more pleasant and positive place to be.
Creating a positive space is all about making the best of what you'be got.
So here are some ideas on how you can create a positive space...
Create a cosy corner where you can relax and unwind...
Cushions are great for this! I love sit in my cosy corner and read or browse social media.
Get out your favourite blanket and a 'friend' to cuddle...
Sometimes when I'm struggling emotionally, I get out my favourite tartan blanket, lay it on the floor and create a 'safe spot' for myself. You could even go crazy and create a den! You are never too old to cuddle a teddy ^ that's my Millie - I got her years ago from the Build a Bear Factory, she is dressed in her favourite tartan dress!
Have a vast array of books ready to pick up and enrich your mind...
So much reading now takes place electronically but for me, nothing can ever replace the joyous sight of filled bookshelves. If they are displayed in front of you, there's always that opportunity to spontaneously pick up a book and start reading, if only for a bit of healthy escapism. As you can see, I love to keep some of my favourite childhood classics, which I will reread from time to time when I'm feeling a bit nostalgic. Every book you read is an opportunity to make memories.
I honestly believe that reading a good book can change your life!
Build little collections of things that make you smile and bring some goodness to your soul...
For a little while this was my pink corner but I've recently added in some other colours. Those jar candles are amazing - they are only a pound each in Primark, they look cute and have lovely, fresh scents.
These are my lucky stones. Stones and pebbles can make such simplistic decorations. I've had the large one with the hole in the middle since I was seven - I was intrigued by how I could put water in it and it could act as some sort of goblet.
I like to hold stones to practice a bit of mindfulness. Our minds are usually working overtime so just holding a stone, feeling the texture and shape of it and just allowing the mind to be and go where it wants to can be really grounding and refreshing.
Create a space to write and offload...
I always find one of the best ways to offload some of the difficult stuff is by writing it down.
Writing can seem all the more inviting when you have a pretty journal set out waiting for you to scribble away into.
Surround yourself with healthy distractions and things that inspire creativity...
I absolutely love colouring and there are so many books out there at the moment. It seems to have become a bit of craze and I can understand why - colouring can calm me down and provide me with a distraction when nothing else can. As you can see, I have a bit of a coloured pens obsession too but they can also brighten your space up!
This is one of my more recently discovered sources of distraction - my ukulele! I got it for my birthday and am learning to play.
Music can create a positive atmosphere and influence your mood.
Nail art is also a way of being creative.
It doesn't have to be complicated.
I find simply painting my nails in one of my favourite shades a really calming activity.
I have an embarrassing amount of colours to choose from!
Surround yourself with positive messages...
I always love scrolling through all the messages of positivity on tumblr. I am hoping to print some of them off and make a little wall of inspiration once I make headway with decorating my room.
A friend gave me this little hanging tea cup.
Strangely, I don't like tea but the message behind it really resonates with me.
Love and Strength,
The One Day Seeker
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