The Bunnies Garden Adventure

Here are some photos of my fur babies, otherwise known as my bunny rabbits, Hope and Saoirse.  They are 7 month old mini lop rabbits.  Hope is the light brown and white one and Saoirse is the grey and white one.  I named them Hope and Saoirse as 'saoirse' is Irish for 'freedom' and they hence represent the values that I aspire to. 

I absolutely adore them!
It can be such a lovely escape to go outside and give them a stroke and a cuddle when I'm feeling down.  I find that having pets to care for can provide an extra motivation to get up and get going on the down days when it doesn't feel as though I've much to get up for.  Animals accept us for who we are without question and we can talk to them without being interrupted or have them talk back.  At times they can feel like the most perfect companions.

I got my rabbits when they were 6 weeks old and they were so tiny that they were barely bigger than my shoe and could fit on the palm of my hand!  They grew so quickly and are now fully grown although equally as cute in my opinion.  They have a whole shed to themselves which my stepdad converted into an enclosure, as well as an outdoor run.  They are very spoilt bunnies!  However, with all the lovely weather over the summer, we were keen to release them to hop freely around the garden.  We were quite worried about letting them out as we didn't want them to escape and foxes often come into our garden so we knew we'd have to keep a close eye on them when they were out.  

Last week, after rabbit proofing all the gaps in the fencing, we let the bunnies out into the garden for the first time and I took some photographs to document their first adventure.  It was such a beautiful thing to watch.  In no time at all, they were tearing around and exploring every nook and cranny.  They were such happy bunnies.  They did take a liking to digging in the flower beds though and it was difficult to get them out of there so the garden may need a bit more rabbit proofing before we let them out again.

I'm sure I'll be posting many more photos of them.

The One Day Seeker
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